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GPU Rigid Registration
Key Investigators
- Gelel Rezig (Ecole de technologie supérieur, Montréal, Canada)
- Houssem Eddine Gueziri (Montreal Neurological Institute and Hopital, Canada)
- Simon Drouin (Ecole de technologie supérieur, Montréal, Canada)
Project Description
With this project, we would like to add a new feature to Slicer.
The goal of this project is to extract code from an opensource software for image-based neurosurgery guidance: IBIS Neuronav.
This code in C++ aims to perform registration between different images using the GPU. It is located in an IBIS Neuronav
plugin. Then, it will be implemented in Slicer to be available for all users.
- Objective A. Extract the code from IBIS Neuronav
- Objective B. Create a file usable by Slicer
Approach and Plan
- Isolate the function in IBIS Neuronav
- Extract the code
- Create an executable file for Slicer
Progress and Next Steps
- Identification and preparation of usable code
- Isolate the code from IBIS and Adapt the code to make it usable outside.
- Creation of a specific library using Cmake.
(You can find all the code on this github link :
- Implementing functionality on Slicer

Background and References