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Integrating ImFusion Algorithms into 3D Slicer

Key Investigators

Presenter location: In-person

Project Description

The ImFusionSDK (a collection of libraries) contains various algorithms that are applied on medical data such as MR, CT and Ultrasound. The algorithms range from calibration to image-registration, segmentation etc.

Our proposal is to create an extension in 3D-Slicer that exposes ImFusion algorithms to the data loaded in the 3D Slicer software. As a starting point, we will employ the existing ImFusion extension for 3D-Slicer which performs CPU and GPU-accelerated registration between single and multi modal images.


The project plan can be broken down into the following concrete objectives:

  1. Plugin Infrastructure: Creation of Module/Plugin infrastructure for 3D Slicer (qSlicerLoadableModule)

  2. Data Interface: Handling and conversion of DataSets (vtkImageData <-> ImFusion::Data)

  3. Algorithm Interface: accessing ImFusion’s list of compatible algorithms

  4. Algorithm Controller Integration: Integration of GUI and Logic for configuring algorithms (ImFusion::AlgorithmController) into 3D Slicer (qSlicerAbstractModuleWidget, vtkSlicerModuleLogic)

Approach and Plan

Plugin Infrastructure

Data Interface

Algorithm Interface

Algorithm Controller Integration

Progress and Next Steps

SlicerApp-real_uQhrmYiNWQ RegistrationModule powered by ImFusion Libraries in 3D Slicer

Background and References

ImFusion’s RegistrationModule for Slicer https://github.com/ImFusionGmbH/public-demos/tree/release/SlicerExtension